Just a V-Tuber who occasionally makes assets! I try and make outfits, looks and accessories for free for those of us who can't afford to purchase items for our avatars.
If you have any suggestions for items or want help figuring certain things out feel free to message me here or my Discord (which you can find on my Twitch)
Please do NOT resell my items- even after editing. You may edit it, use it without credit or use it on your models or Streams. it would be nice to be credited but not required.
You COULD use my items in VRoid Beta (1.0.0-) BUT be weary some things will not look right and thus I encourage editing items to look as you'd like them to look. Most items were made with VRoid Stable in mind and tested on stable models but I have seen certain items look ok on Beta models.
"If At First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again"
-Zen Cho